by Anton Pachkine | eCommerce, eCommerce News, Magento, WooCommerce, X-Cart
Sooner or later every small business retail owner considers a need to have an E-commerce Web Hosting Service. Do you have a website already? If not, you should think about having one the nearest time. We live in a connected world, so online presence can help your...
by Anton Pachkine | eCommerce, Magento, WooCommerce, X-Cart
Recently I discussed this topic with several clients and was surprised that some of them never tried shipping management software and still print shipping labels one by one from online store. This is fine when you get up to 10 orders per day but when you get dozens of...
by Anton Pachkine | eCommerce, Magento, X-Cart
Unless you’ve being on vacation in Bora Bora for the last 12 months with all electronic devices turned off, you probably heard “go mobile” suggestion before. When thinking about whether to make eCommerce mobile responsive, consider some stores get...
by Anton Pachkine | eCommerce, Magento, WooCommerce, X-Cart
While every eCommerce business would love to have a high volume of traffic, some of them are not being naively optimistic when they prepare for such a significant amount of visitors. Some of them, in fact, are merely being realistic, particularly if they’re well aware...
by Anton Pachkine | X-Cart
When it comes to hosting an e-commerce website, proper support for the system is of absolute importance. Due to the rapidly evolving pace of the technology associated with online financial transactions such as mobile payments, choosing an appropriate x-cart...
by Anton Pachkine | eCommerce, Magento, WooCommerce, X-Cart
Did reducing your e-commerce website’s loading time and making it more mobile friendly fail to solve your shopping cart abandonment issues? If so, the problem could rest with your x-cart module and e-commerce site’s design elements. They are also known to impact...